Mass Times and Sacraments

Mass at the Campus Religious Center

**6pm Sunday Evenings, year round

**12:00n Daily Mass on Tuesdays and Thursdays during the school year

Mass at Holy Redeemer Catholic Church
                                503 W. Lyon St., Marshall, MN 56258

               Weekend Mass Schedule

**5pm Saturday evening

**8am Sunday morning

**10am Sunday morning

**12n  Sunday (Spanish)

                 Daily Mass Schedule

**5:30pm Mondays

**7:15am Tuesday-Friday

**8am Saturdays

Sacramental Opportunities


**9a-10a Saturday morning at Holy Redeemer Catholic Church

**4p Saturday evening at Holy Redeemer Catholic Church

**5p Sunday evening at the Campus Religious Center

**6pTuesday evenings at the Campus Religious Center, during the school year

**Upon request before or after daily Mass at the Campus Religious Center

Baptism, RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults), Confirmation, Marriage, Holy Orders, and Anointing of the Sick, contact Fr. Mark Steffl at the Parish Center at 507-532-5711.

Eucharistic Adoration

**6p-6:45p Tuesday evenings at the Campus Religious Center, during the school year

**7:45a-6p Tuesdays and Thursdays at Holy Redeemer Catholic Church, in the Family Room

**4p-5p Sundays at Holy Redeemer Catholic Church, in the Sanctuary

**9a-10a (Monday-Thursday) Women's Prayer Hour in the Chapel at the Campus Religious Center, during the school year

**10a-11a (Monday-Thursday) Men's Prayer Hour in the Chapel at the Campus Religious Center, during the school year

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